Catching up on cr*p!

Hello all!

I've been busy trying to have somewhat of a personal life off the web this past week. Even though I have over 15 current clients, everyone seems to be taking it slow for the summer.

So here's what's up...

Band is getting a lot better and of course so is my singing! We are going to record our whole set list soon and I'm hoping to post it here. My friend wants to do a UTube video but the boys are shy! Which is completely ridiculous since they are awesome!!!

Read/watched The Runaways and "Neon Angel" by Cherie Currie. After reading this book I decided I would continue to not do drugs and/or act like an idiot! Remember girls, it is true what they say that if you get in a car with strangers you will get raped or worse, so please don't. Thank you.

Also watched a foreign film called "Kiss" which was just beautiful! Not going to give anything away here because the movie is more of a feeling than a story. But if you just want to experience a mix of childhood excitement and a new country, this is the movie for you.

I've been working out for over an hour a day and I've gained 5 pounds!!! Go figure, it had to happen to me. I bought the gimmicky shoes that promise you some fab calves and a$$, so I'm going to go walk today and see if I look like a MILF again after that. On another beauty subject, how the hell did I ever keep these fake nails on when I created jewelry? I keep breaking them just walking around. Another unhealthy thing I'm doing for myself (to myself), is baking my brains out in the sun every day. The only thing that is stopping me from getting my Jersey tan on at the salon is that it's summer and the sun is free. But since I'm going to get cancer anyways from growing up in the 80's (think about this), I really want to tan in the winter.

That last paragraph reminded me, JERSEY FRICKIN' SHORE! Love it, need it, can't get enough!!! The funniest thing about this show is I grew up in NYC and everyone there rips on Jersey. We won't even fly into their airport when we go home! I love my Jersey people, but a lot of the cr*p on the show is true, I swear it! I think this is what brainwashed me on the fake tan/nails again. We all got a little Jersey bitch in there somewhere☺

So you are probably thinking "Tara is the shallowest gal in the world!" No, I'm actually just kind of having my 10th mid life breakdown/crisis. I'm still volunteering, working, being the weirdest mom on the block (county). This summer sh*t has got to go. If these kids don't start High School and Middle School soon I'm going to lose it worrying. Trying to distract myself and that's how the Jersey glow started! I'll be back to my hippy roots in Sept. and drop the kids off in my P.J.'s, no makeup, and a mug 'o' black coffee. Right now, I want to look like I actually got out of bed! lol

Also reading, watching, listening, etc. Joan Jett and The Runaways music. Not as good as expected, still kinda fun. Really sounds dated and that freaks me because I grew up with Joan Jett. Also enjoying Boston, The Beatles, and Zeppelin. See, I'm having a f'n mid-life crisis! I haven't listened to this stuff since I was a teenager. The band also does a lot of this kind of rock, Rush, ZZTop, Creedence. I honestly hate singing it, I'd rather do girly songs. I'm going to start reading Suzie Quatro, Unzipped today. She's like the pre-Joan Jett so hopefully it will put me in a good '70's, Matt Dillon (think Little Darlings), Camero driving, bell bottom wearing, mood! That Cherie Currie book just sucked the fun right outta the 70's! Some people should just not do drugs! I mean ALL people should not do drugs...

Okay friends, off to get this party started, nails fixed, back to school hats bought, and maybe a movie?

Thank y'all for reading!

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