Weekend Wrap Up

Hi all!

Happy after Turkey day weekend massacre! I just gave all 4 of my dogs the leftover turkey and I think they were the only ones who could still enjoy it!! lol I'm turkeyed out to say the least.

Mostly just been working on a few projects. Yes, I always say I don't work anymore but how can I tell my best clients no? Let's just say I'm not seeking work anymore..

So the twitter continues to grow and I've got almost 300 followers in one week! Come join me if you haven't already, I always follow back.

Twitter Tara

I have a growing list of promotions from sellers for tomorrow aka CYBER MONDAY.


Hoping that if everyone stays on the computer all day, I can hit up the malls! But maybe that's the trick of it all and the malls will still be packed?? hmmmmm...

There is still a FREE Happy Holidays Banner in my Etsy shop.


Please vote for this blog and help me to become number 1! Okay, I'll take top 100;)


In the life of moi news...

Band practice today, not sure if I want to sing? I'm in a foul mood, my son has that anxiety disease where you pull your own hair out and it scared the crap out of me when I discovered it this week.

Last night we watched "The Prince of Persia" movie, which I liked and the boys hated. Too much mushy for them. They didn't love the video game too much either but said it was better than the movie!

My husband has decided to not only be a pilot, aerobatics champ, judge at competitions, drummer, etc. etc. But has now moved on to covet my bass. ♫Anything you can do, I can do better...♫ Mama shares enough and that is all I have to say about that! lol

Tomorrow I go and dump this all on my therapist, maybe I should just send her a link to my blogs???

Thanks for reading,

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