"The Midlife Crisis"

So what's a By Tara blog without some personal information? A blog no one wants to read, that's what! If you have followed my other blog, Jewelry by Tara you know a lot already about the wackiness that goes on in my life. The sad thing is, the weirdest stuff doesn't even make it into the blog!

Today's Sunday fun is that the "band" is getting together to jam at my house. My kids like to fondly call my husband's band "The Midlife Crisis". I like to call it a migraine, but who the heck cares what I think?

Yes, my husband is a drummer in a band, a pilot/aerobatics flyer, and part owner of a securities firm. No, I wouldn't believe me either but it's actually true!

Back to the band thingy, not only do I get to hear the sound of drums/guitar/base etc. for most of the weekend, (who am I kidding, most of my life:*( but, now they are roping me into being their singer. What do they want me to sing? ZZ Top, Creedence, everything that sounds ridiculous coming out of a girl's mouth. I have forced them to move towards Led Zeppelin so I can at least writhe around on the floor and scream. Does get some of the feedback stress out. Both the kids are making a break for it soon when they get here. Can I blame them? Between the 4 chihuahuas howling, me singing, and dad causing a quake, who would want to be in this house?

More shared personal experiences to come...

Thanks for supportin'

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