Beautiful Feet
Having cracked or bleeding feet is never desirable to anyone. All of dream of a pair of beautiful feet that can be flaunted in the most stylish pair of stilettos. If you wish to get such beautiful feet, you need to know how to care for your feet. Setting aside some time from your daily schedule, about half an hour, for a regular foot treatment will keep them healthy and beautiful throughout the year. The time that you provide to pamper your feet will help you to forget about the day-to-day worries in a great way. Read on to know about the foot care tips that will make beautiful foot.
Apply a foot scrub every day, preferably after a tiring day at work. You can either make a scrub at Beauty Tips or simply buy one that contains essential oils. Massage the ingredients into your feet, and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This method is helpful when it comes to saving time as well as getting the desired effect.
Use a moisturizer everyday on your feet, after bath and before going to sleep, carefully massaging into the dry areas, nails and the cuticles. This will keep the feet feeling soft.
If you suffer from feet that ache from pressure, then there are natural remedies for aching feet as well. For this, you need 4-5 drops of essential oil of tea tree, 3-4 drops of essential oil of cypress and 1-2 teaspoons of jojoba oil. Mix all the ingredients together, pour into a large bowl or bucket of warm water, place your feet in the water and leave on for 5-10 minutes. After this, step into a bucket of cold water in which, a cup of green tea has been mixed.
A foot massage before going to bed would help relieve you feet of stress. For this simply warm colorless sesame oil or olive oil and massage into your soles and toes with both your hands. Put on cotton socks and go to sleep.
Another way of caring for your feet to keep them beautiful is by walking barefoot on pebbles. This would stimulate acupressure points on the soles of the feet, dispensing health benefits throughout the body.
Sometimes girls feet suffer from painful corn. Getting rid from these corns will help you in having most beautiful feet. Soak your feet in warm water and add pinch of salt. Gently rub corn affected area with coarse emery board. Cut a fresh pineapple and put the piece over the area for 5 to 10 minutes. The enzymes present in pineapple will help the skin faster in dissolving the corn.
Add half cup of sugar, one teaspoonful of baking powder and one fourth teaspoonful of poppy seeds combined with ten drops of lemon juice. With the help of vegetable brush, scrub your feet thoroughly and rinse. Follow this twice a week to possess most beautiful feet.
You can also get beautiful foot with paraffin wax. This ingredient is know for making your feet soft and supple. Paraffin wax clears the clogged skin pore and increases in blood circulation. Thus with open pore, your skin will absorb required moisture and you get beautiful woman feet.
A nice foot tonic can help you in getting beautiful girl's feet. You can make an effective tonic with a cup of milk combined by one teaspoonful of mint leaves, peppermint extract and rosemary. Apply this mixture and keep for 10 minutes. Wash off and say “my beautiful feet.”
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