I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)(DVDRip)


La historia se centra en Steven Russell, un modélico y convencional padre de familia que tras sufrir un accidente de tráfico tiene una inesperada revelación: es gay. Así comienza una nueva y disipada vida, viéndose obligado a cometer una serie de fraudes para poder costearse sus gastos. Sus acciones lo conducirán a la cárcel, donde se enamora de su compañero de celda, Phillip Morris, con quien inicia una relación. Sin embargo, el sistema penitenciario separará a la pareja, y Russell perpetrará varios intentos de fuga para reunirse de nuevo con su amado.

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: Phillip Morris, ¡te quiero!
Genero: Comedia dramática
Duración: 01:31h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: DVDRip
Hosting: Megaupload, Freakshare, Hotfile
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1045772/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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just kiss me

unknown/love trains

Golden Rules Of Eating Fruits

Fruits are the manifestation of nature’s love for men. They are excellent for keeping our bodies hale & hearty. To derive the maximum benefits we should follow some guidelines

Eat With Skin

Apple, guava, peaches & other thin skinned fruits have their nutrients just below their skin which will be eliminated if we skin them. So we must eat them with their skin on.

Cut & Eat Immediately

If we leave fruits after cutting they react with oxygen & lose their vital elements & become breeding ground of a lot of germs. So eat fruits immediately after cutting them.

Eat Before Sunset

According to the Ayurveda there is certain type of fruits like banana, guava, papaya & all those fruits which have their pulp somewhat watery should not be eaten after sunset because by the dusk they become heavier & difficult to digest. The ideal time to eat fruits is the breakfast time.

No Knife

The use of knife in cutting fruits should be minimal so as to preserve the vital nutrients which get destroyed by the sharp edge of the knife.
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Youth in Revolt (2009)(DVDRip)


Micahel Cera interpretará a un adolescente llamado Nick Twisp que encuentra a la chica de sus sueños durante unas vacaciones familiares, arruinando el viaje a los suyos al tratar de estar con ella. Buscemi se pondrá en la piel de su padre, mientras que, Liotta ha de encarnar a un policía que mantiene una relación con la madre de Nick (Smart). Cuando su affaire termine mal, el agente se vengará acusando a Nick de haber provocado un incendio.

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: Youth in Revolt
Genero: Comedia, Drama
Duración: 01:31h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: DVDRip
Hosting: Megaupload, Freakshare, Hotfile
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0403702/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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i'm Sorry

andrea huemmer

For blaming you to be the reason for my weight gain and supposed uglinesss. I was still pretty with you. And I'm sorry for never believing you. Because I know my insecurities ended us. But I was so happy at one point.

But now I'm just fat, and sad. Where there was once radiance is now replaced with underlying dullness.

But I know this is the best for us because I'm learning. It really is the hardest way but thats the only way. This pain let's me know that I'm capable of feeling. Sadness is the only passion that lets me know there is blood in these veins. I can appreciate everything. Most importantly, I will appreciate you.

I know you might not want me back for all the terrible things I said. The things I said I wanted. I'm so selfish. I never cared about anyone except for myself. And you cared about me more than you cared about you. I wish I could say the same. I understand that you are completely unattractive to the fact my cravings for experience overpower my cravings for your existence. But its not cravings for experience, but more so, for growth.

So I can feel beautiful without you telling me. So I can learn to handle this messiness. So i can put myself together and be okay. But I need to love myself first before I can love you.



The Crazies (2010)(BDRip)


Una misteriosa toxina en el agua convierte a cualquiera que esté expuesto a ella en un asesino sin escrúpulos. Los residentes de una idílica ciudad empiezan a sucumbir a un desenfreno incontrolable de violencia y la escalofriante masacre acaba en una sanguinaria anarquía. En un intento por controlar la epidemia, el ejército envía una fuerza de élite a bloquear los accesos a la ciudad, aislando a los pocos ciudadanos no infectados que quedan y dejándolos a merced de los despiadados asesinos que acechan en la oscuridad.

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: The crazies
Genero: Terror.
Duración: 01:40h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: BDRip
Hosting: Megaupload, Freakshare, Hotfile
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0455407/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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i don't believe in love anymore.


I don't believe in love anymore. I once was love's biggest fan. I loved love. I believed in love at first sight, true love, soul mate, all that mushy-gushy stuff the best songs and books are written about. It's what every little girl dreams about. One day my prince will come....blah blah blah. I used to believe in love. I was in love, like I'm talking head over heals, stars in your eyes in L-O-V-E. I loved you with all my heart even though I knew you weren't perfect. You were always more sure about us. Then we broke up for a summer, but our hearts led us back together after three months of not ever really being broken up. When I walked in on you and her in bed, I thought my world would end. But time heals all wounds right? And you were so sorry and it was the biggest mistake of your life and I took you back once again. We were happy again and more in love than ever. Then you said you wanted to move in together when the summer ended. And from there we would live happily ever after, you even knew how you wanted to propose but wouldn't tell me the surprise. I was living every girls fantasy. Against the odds we were soul mates made for one another. You went on your graduation trip across Europe and wrote me romantic emails. Then an e-mail came from six time zones away saying it had all been a lie. A lie? Three years was a lie? What should I be more upset about my broken dreams and broken heart, or the fact that I fell for it? Only fools fall in love, and love played me like a fiddle. So I don't believe in love anymore. Because if you don't believe in love there is nothing to cry about, and I don't have anymore tears to cry. So I gave up on love because it gave up on me.

Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)(DVDRip)


Unos amigos deciden pasar un fin de semana en un hotel de montaña en el que estuvieron 20 años antes y del que guardan un recuerdo inolvidable. Cuando llegan al lugar se dan cuenta de que nada es como recordaban, pero todo cambia cuando deciden probar el jacuzzi y descubren que es una máquina del tiempo que los transporta hasta los años 80. Inicialmente creerán que deben hacer exactamente lo mismo que hicieron anteriormente, pero luego se darán cuenta de que están ante una oportunidad única de cambiar sus vidas. Sólo hay un pequeño problema: el futuro no es tan sencillo de modificar como piensan…

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: Hot Tub Time Machine
Genero: Comedia
Duración: 01:40h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: DVDRip
Hosting: Megaupload, Freakshare, Hotfile
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1231587/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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Unthinkable (2010)(DVDRip)


Se centra en una importante amenaza para los Estados Unidos cuando tres dispositivos nucleares están controlados por un único terrorista. Dos días antes de que se activen, dos agentes del FBI tendrán que decidir hasta dónde están dispuestos a llegar para encontrarlos.

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: Unthinkable
Genero: Drama, Thriller
Duración: 01:37h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: DVDRip
Hosting: Rapidshare, Megaupload
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0914863/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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both unknown

The Bounty Hunter (2010)(DVDRip)


Milo Boyd, un cazarrecompensas venido a menos, obtiene el trabajo de sus sueños cuando se le asigna la búsqueda de su ex mujer, la reportera Nicole Hurly, que se ha saltado su libertad condicional. Él piensa que el trabajo representará dinero fácil, pero cuando Nicole logra zafarse para seguir una pista sobre el encubrimiento de un asesinato, Milo se da cuenta de que entre él y Nicole nunca nada es sencillo. Ambos están continuamente pisándose el uno al otro, hasta que se encuentran huyendo por salvar sus vidas. Si pensaron que su promesa de amor, honor y obediencia mutua era difícil, mantenerse con vida será una tarea aún mucho más difícil.

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: Exposados
Genero: Acción, comedia romántica.
Duración: 01:50h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: DVDRip
Hosting: Rapidshare, Megaupload
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038919/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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it transcends explanation


The night we met, is and will always remain a bit of a blur in my mind. Dizzy. Drinking. Dancing. Drunk. Close to tears because I could tell that the person who I was with then wasn’t the person I should be with. In my blurry state, I started to realise that there should be more to love then looking at the stars together, watching the fireworks and kissing in the back of limousines and spas. He wasn’t right for me, and I knew it deep down but my imagination build him up into being someone worthy of my love. We met eyes, we’d heard each others names, maybe passed each other by in the street before. We kept coming back to each other, as if drawn by something unexplainable. We shared a Jäger bottle, then you tied your bow tie round my neck. I wandered off. I lost your bow tie. You got angry. You got more drunk and forgot you were angry. we walked back to my friends house. For miles and miles, it seemed. We arrived at a primary school. The door to the principles office was left unlatched. We sat in the principles office. We had a bottle of vodka and wrote messages on the principles desk in shaky writing. Then we heard a strange sound. The security alarm. We ran away. Faster and faster. Down on the beach we walked for miles and miles. A gap between us, you knew the other boy I was with. We watched the stars and heard the surf. We got separated and you couldn’t find your way back from the house. We were close after this. inseparable. I bought you a new bowtie. A light blue one. We were together, but, always just friends. You were there for me to get over how I’d let myself fall for the wrong guy. You were still nursing a bruised and broken heart. I didn’t believe in love, but you convinced me that it was something wroth believing in. You made me want to believe in something – in wishing on shooting stars and being just friends. I thought that I just needed you as a friend. Just you. Nothing more. Nothing less. You were someone to share my secrets with and to cuddle up with when I was having trouble sleeping. You were someone who made me smile. I thought this was enough. It wasn’t anywhere near enough. One night, once again too much had been drunk, on both parts. We were together that night. In the closest way one can be with someone. I discounted all the other times I’d been with other boys. This was different from anything I’d ever know. You were better than whatever came before. Since then, we have been together. You make me cry just about everyday. You know just how to wind me up and you get annoyed over silly things. We have our flaws and our arguments, but you were the one who taught me how to love. I love your hugs. I love your enchanting smile. I love how cute you look when you’re angry. I love how you pull my jumper when you want to put your arm around me.. I love how you’re shy. I love it when I can feel you smiling when we kiss. I love our snuggles. I love how you make me laugh five minutes after making me cry... I just love you for you. I can’t explain why, it transcends explanation.

Green Zone (2010)(DVDRip)


Estamos en 2003, y el subteniente del Ejército Estadounidense Roy Miller y su equipo de inspectores son enviados a Iraq para encontrar armas almacenadas bajo el suelo del desierto. Intentando evitar las trampas que se alzan en su camino, los hombres buscan peligrosas armas químicas, pero sólo descubren un elaborado plan para hacer fracasar su misión. Empujado por agentes secretos con objetivos muy diferentes, Miller deberá encontrar pistas en suelo extranjero que le lleven a las respuestas necesarias para sustituir a un régimen indeseado o iniciar una guerra en una región muy inestable. Descubrirá que en una época y un lugar muy conflictivos, el arma más difícil de encontrar es la verdad

Ficha Tecnica

Titulo: Green Zone
Genero: Acción, bélico, drama, thriller.
Duración: 01:54h aprox
Idioma: Inglés subtitulos en español.
Formato: DVDRip
Hosting: Rapidshare, Megaupload
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0947810/
Calidad de imagen: Excelente.




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How To Make Small Room Look Larger - Part 3

Light Effect

Well light room looks bigger.

Make your window draper with thin cloth to bring natural light into your room. You can use blind to allow sunlight into the room.

To provide good illumination without clutter add some recessed or track lighting which resides in the ceiling.

Instead of space-consuming table and floor lamps use wall lamps to save valuable floor space & avoid clutter.

Magical Mirror

Mirrors are interior designer’s favourite for years to make small room appear big & bright.Clever use of mirror can increase the perceived size of room.

A large mirror placed opposite entry way or a bright window reflects natural light & makes room airy & open.

A large Mirror hanged at wall or stand against the wall can create the illusion of more space.

You can put mirrors on closet doors & add depth to the room.
                  Use these tricks & your imagination to transfer your small room into a cosy retreat.I'd love to hear from you on how you do it on comments below

the problem is my house


Dear J,

The problem is my house. You made love to me in my bed. You spent TV
seasons with me under that black and white blanket on my sofa. You sat
on my front porch talking to my mom, and you snuck in through my
basement window to see me.

The problem is my house. I remember what it feels like to fit kisses
sloppily between our laughs that time on the cabana by my pool. And
the night sky through my window looks the same tonight as it did the
night you had your arms around me. And I can still feel my heart rise
when you threw me playfully onto your shoulders and whirled me around
in front of my mirror.

Never mind that you were my first lover. Never mind that once, you
held my heart in your hand. Never mind that you have discovered all of
me, my every flaw and freckle.

The problem is my house. You’ve left your memory in all the rooms and
your lips on all the cups. Your faded image flickers as it lounges on
my kitchen chair smiling, like a dream my house is having.

I want to let you go. I need to. My heart is mine now; it hasn’t
skipped an honest beat to breath your name in a while. But the problem
isn’t my heart. The problem is my house - ‘cause in it, you’re
everywhere to me.

College is coming in September, and I'll be gone. Away from this house
and this town. Until then, "I'll be seeing you, in all the old
familiar places..."

Love always, G

How To Make Small Room Look Larger - Part 2

Size Magic

You can be surprised how by just scaling your furniture can transform your small room into bigger & airy. Avoid large overstuffed pieces which eat floor space making room smaller. Move the larger pieces of furniture against the wall.

 Use multipurpose furniture like sofa which can be turned into bed at night

Or extendable bed which can be tucked away when not in use.

A big dinning table use a lot of floor space.Instead of big dinning table you can use sleek dining table that can be hid under the bed when not in use.

Use open arm & exposed leg sofa & chairs to allow light to pass beneath them making room bright & spacious. Incorporate some glass in your furniture like glass top table,to lighten up the space.
 A visit to your local furniture shops which deals in small apartment furniture can give you many decorating ideas to make your small room more spacious. Hidden space saving furniture is ideal for small room. Use multipurpose furniture


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