Helping to even out the facial skin, concealers are sometimes the only cosmetic that many women prefer to use along with powder for daily purposes. For summer, you may need a shade darker to match your skin tanned and baked in the sun. It basically camouflages facial imperfections and balances out your complexion by hiding out the skin blemishes and under-eye circles. For accurate results, apply the concealer using a small fine tipped brush and blend it well. A yellow-based concealer is a best match for most of the skin tones while translucent powder helps it to set.
A concealer with a high pigment level and having mineral oil as its contents is best for camouflaging purposes as it covers the spot better and stays on the top of the face for more time. It is best to check whether a concealer matches your skin or not in sunlight for correct estimations. Buy the concealer that blends so well that it seems to disappear on the skin and yet hide the targeted spot. Here are some tips to use concealer wisely to get best results:
*Adding yellow eye shadow to the concealer can effectively cover dark circles.
Blue or green eye shadow added to concealer is helpful to mask ruddy tones and broken capillaries.
*Dry your pimple with the help of a blow dryer on low heat and then use a pointed brush to target the yellow-toned concealer that matches the tone of your foundation, which is dry and has a high pigment level, to the spot. Lightly press around the edges with fingers. Set with loose powder. You can also use concealer pencil for the purpose.
*Freckles and pigmentation must only be hidden when it is absolutely necessary as it takes a heavy layer of concealer to cover them up and can look worse. Moisturize the skin well and apply a creamy concealer, which is a shade lighter than your foundation and set it with loose powder. For added glamour, you can also dust it with subtle, skin-toned shimmer powder.
*The inside of the nose bridge, corner of moth and outer corner of eyes are the most susceptible areas and need special attention while applying concealer.
The slightly dehydrated residue in the cap of your foundation can be quite an effective concealer that matches your foundation perfectly.
*To eliminate under-eye dark circles, choose a creamy concealer with medium pigment level and matt finish. Loose powder may end up accentuating the aging lines in the area. A silky make-up primer with a high level of silicone applied to the area before using the concealer, helps to better mask the area while it also hydrates and smoothen the lines. Apply the concealer by using the synthetic concealer brush and then press into the skin with the fingertips.
*To get rid of red scars and birthmarks, use yellow-based concealers. Apply a matt primer to the scars before using drier concealers with high pigment level to cover them up. For raised scars use a slightly darker shade of concealer than your natural skin tone while lighter shade is for indented scars. Set with loose powder.
To hide broken capillaries, you need a yellow-based concealer with a high pigment level and pointed fiber brush for precise application. Press the concealer using the fingertips and then dust with loose powder to let it set.
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